Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Neverending Tupperware Battle

How do you organize your tupperware?  It seems like no matter the system, it always ends up a mess that's shoved into a cabinet.  Boo got me some organizational books that I'm finally trying to put to good use.

Organizing Solutions for People with ADD by Susan C. Pinsky is broken down in such a clear and concise manner that it's been impossible for me to mess up any of her systems (knock on wood).

Organizing from the Inside Out by Julie Morgenstern is the other book I have, but honestly haven't gotten beyond browsing yet.  (I need to learn how to organize my time, first!)  My goal is to read it in the next few months so I can get the whole house in order this summer.

So, back to tupperware.  I decided to get rid of a lot of it and throw away my old system of stacking all of the lids separate from all of the containers.  I don't know why, but I can never end up finding the lid I'm looking for when I do this.

The new system takes up way more space, but so far it's been worth it.  I put all of the lids on the respective container and stacked that way.  It's been quick and easy to pull out tupperware and hasn't become a mess when putting away.

Next project to tackle:  the spices cabinet!

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